terça-feira, 3 de junho de 2008

Artigo sobre o fatal alumínio e seu efeitos em plantas

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Achei um artigo interessante, tá certo que ele não nos fornece muitas referências bibliográficas, mas achei interessante e seguinte citação:

"Aluminum which can be toxic to organisms, is soluble at low pH and is leached from watershed soils by acidic deposition. Acidification may affect fish in several ways. The direct physiological effects of low pH and high aluminum include increased fish mortality, decreased growth, and decreased reproductive potential. The mechanism of toxicity involves impaired ion regulation at the gill. Population losses occur frequently because of recruitment failure, specifically due to increased mortality of early life stages. Changes at other trophic levels may affect fish populations by altering food availability."

Fonte: http://www.rense.com/general69/chemd.htm


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